
Product image 1Revolver
Product image 2Revolver
Product image 3Revolver

Regular price $ 64.95


To get exceptional cigars...you have to blend them in an exceptional way! Well, sometimes that means we blend and smoke while we shoot pistols at the private range at EZHQ.

Here's the backstory...

We had been working on this blend for an extra long time because we knew we were on to something really really special! We made one last tweak to the recipe--by adding a very old tobacco to the filler--and stepped outside to the range to test smoke it. 

The blend was so good...we rushed back inside and immediately put it into production! It completely knocked our proverbial socks off!

Revolver is full bodied, medium/full strength toro. Wrapped in an silky-smooth San Andres maduro leaf which covers a vintage blend of Nicaraguan visos and ligeros. 

First light is a big chocolate wave complimented by vanilla bean and toffee. Red oak flavors and a dark leathery body balance the blend masterfully. The retrohale is spicy adding a white pepper burn.

Folks I'm telling ya...the blend just gets even more incredible!

Starting the second third, the balance on the cigar is absolute perfection! The flavors meld into hot chocolate and cinnamon. The sweetness tastes like marshmallows. The finish adds a wave of cedar, hard candy, and black pepper. 

The richness and depth of the Revolver blend is really hard to describe. It's beyond any cigar we've done before. 

The last third, Revolver gets even better! The flavors grow smoother adding hints of walnut, malt, and graham cracker. The body of the cigar evolves into a cafe latte flavor. The retorhale adds a warming cinnamon burn.

Revolver is probably the best maduro cigar we've ever made! The flavor complexity, the balance, the burn are all impeccable. Our goal with every cigar is to make it better than the last. I really don't know if we can top Revolver!

I promise you that Revolver will be SOLD OUT fast! A cigar this good won't be around for very long! Apologies to those who miss it...

Trust me...you'll wish you'd bought more once you smoke it! Get these and cherish every single one of them!

Getcha some NOW!

Total Production: 570

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